

Milan, July 2010

Oh, good times, when it's all you have to do.  Be with your mate. Kiss on a bench in a parc. Get lost in small streets, holding hands. Laugh without any reason when your looks meet as you're entering the tube. Eat ice cream. Watch the sunset. Watch him sleep. Observe him while he's dressing up. Say "No, not yet!" or "Two more minutes!" when it's time to get out of bed. To be, simply, sitting, standing or laying in each others arms, thinking how you could die at that very moment having had anything you need to experience in life thanks to that one embrace. Cross the entire city of Paris in a heatwave  or in the peak of a frisky winter evening just to see him smile before falling asleep. Just to fall asleep next to him while listening to his heart beat. Let the rhythm of his breathing be the lullaby that puts you to sleep. Call him two minutes after you left his apartment, just to hear his voice. Imagine being with him, when he's not there. Imagine being with him, when he is there.  

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